abnormal abnormal adj. 異常な. 【副詞】 be highly abnormal 大変異常である. 【+前置詞】 It is abnormal for temperatures to be so high in mid-November. 11 月中旬にこんなに気温が高いのは異常だ.
situation situation n. (1) 位置, 場所; 立場; 事態, 局面; (劇などの)場面. 【動詞+】 regretfully accept the situation 仕方がないとあきらめる One way to study a foreign language is to act out a situation and practice giving appropr
because it's the most abnormal situation in the world . とんでもない状況だ
an abnormal reaction to an abnormal situation is normal behavior . 異常な状況に対する異常な反応は 正常な行動だ。
in such an abnormal situation , the school teachers will take care of the situation immediately . こんな異常事態 すぐに学園の 先生達がやってきて事態を収拾...
therefore , the shoshidai position was left open , which was an abnormal situation that had never happened before in the history of the bakufu . このため所司代は空席という、開幕以来の異常な事態となっていた。
it is quite an abnormal situation when people fight risking their lives , not just in battle , and they need to have a special determination . 合戦に限らず、人間と人間が生命を賭けて闘うというのは極めて異常な事態であり、特別な覚悟が求められるのである。
after imperial prince kanenaga fell from power , there occurred an abnormal situation in which the shogunate government and the feudal lords in kyushu traded with the ming under the name of ' ryokai , the king of japan .' 懐良親王の勢力が駆逐された後は、幕府や九州の大名が「日本国王良懐」と称して対明貿易を行う変則状態が続く。
around that time , a police inspector 安楽権中 was patrolling the islands on a steam ship and was about to enter the chosui harbor of miyako-jima island , however , an islander who had observed the huge disturbance informed the police inspector about the incident , and thus he turned around and headed to naha to report the abnormal situation of miyako . そのころ県内各島を巡回中であった警部安楽権中を乗せた汽船が、島の漲水港に入港するところであったが、大騒擾を傍観していた島民から事情を聞くと、踵を返して那覇市へ戻り、宮古の異状を伝えた。
the coronation ceremony of the emperor was generally conducted at daigokuden (the great hall of state located in the palace precincts ) with the attendance of all court officials , but saneyori decided to hold it in shishinden (the main hall located in the inner palace precincts ) out of concern over the emperor ' s illness so as to be ready to cope with any abnormal situation . 天皇の即位礼は通常大極殿で百官を集めて行うべきだが、天皇の病気が案じられ、実頼は異常事に備えるべく内裏内の紫宸殿で挙行させた。
yoshinobu narrowly prevented an abnormal situation of there being ' no crown princess ' by making his own adopter daughter , fujiwara no moshi , who was a daughter of fujiwara no kinnari , an elder brother of his wife , yosiko , the crown princess and absorbing accusations such as ' the official rank of the real father is too low ' towards himself . やむを得ず自分の養女(妻祉子の兄である藤原公成の娘)である藤原茂子を后にして「実父の官位が低すぎる」という糾弾を能信が引き受けることで辛うじて「皇太子妃不在」という異常事態を阻止したのである。
additionally , when the accident occurred , ' kitakinki no . 3 ' from shin-osaka came nearby , but someone pressed the emergency button of the railway crossing near to the scene of the accident , so the obstruction warning indicator was on; the train motorman sensed the abnormal situation , pulled the emergency cord , and stopped the train at the spot just a hundred meters from the site , thus narrowly escaping danger . なお、この事故の際、事故現場に新大阪発の「北近畿3号」が迫っていたが、近くの踏切の非常ボタンが押されて特殊信号発光機が点灯したため運転士が異常を察知し非常ブレーキを掛け、100m手前で停車させたため危うく難を逃れている。